Separation is a Bitch —An “aha” moment on the MoodShift Journey

Years ago, my wife and I took a deep dive into the world of quantum physics—a world of infinite possibilities. For me, this produced an experience of cognitive dissonance that rattled me to the bone. This dissonance (chaos) was the result of straddling two very different paradigms in my head. I grew up believing the world was full of lack; a belief I adopted from my father. It had to be true. My father would not lie to me. It was confirmed by the commercials I watched on TV. This world of lack is contrasted by a world of abundance, as suggested by the principles of quantum physics.

Quantum physics suggests that we live in an ever-expanding, abundant universe where all possibilities exist in a potential state. A potential state at the quantum level just waiting to be molded into a creation—first in our virtual world of imagination, then manifesting into our world of physicality. 

Was that how the world really worked? Was I truly in charge of creating my own reality as thought leaders of the 21st century suggest? 

Quantum physics suggests that everything in our universe at the atomic scale is pure energy. I grappled with this idea as I yearned to learn more. 

As I dug deeper into this mystical world of energy, the more I understood that I am the creator of my own reality and the experiences that reality produces.

Today, more and more investigators understand there is a marriage between science and spirituality, albeit a mysterious one. Humans like to separate things into pieces in the hopes of a better understanding. This has created the idea that two worlds exist for us. Our inside world—filled with imagination, thoughts, heart-felt emotions and the seat of our intuition—and our outside world where our analytical mind, in conjunction with our five senses, serves to guide us. 

The more I tried to control my outside world experiences by plowing through life often frustrated, expressed as anger, I knew I was not being my true self. I knew myself to be kind, caring and sensitive, but where had that guy gone?

In a moment of pondering this, everything broke wide open. This was my “aha” moment. I had become separated from that part of my inside world where my heart speaks to me and my intuition helps guide me.

In a flash, my heart seemed to open up. I experienced a moment of grief followed by a rush of relief—knowing I was whole again. It was a mystical moment. My internal guidance system had been rebooted. I felt exhilarated—infused with the courage to live and embrace this journey that had presented the opportunity to see life from a new and vibrant vantage point. 

As I write about this experience, I am looking outside the window at a local coffee shop, in awe of life. Paying attention to people walking by, the tree branches blowing in the wind and the smell of fresh coffee.

I feel exhilarated, infused with restored energy as I embrace our journey. A journey that has presented the opportunity to see life as it can be. As I reunite with myself, I feel reconnected to all that I hold sacred.

Separation, as I learned, is a bitch!


My Life Needed a Serious Pivot—An Empowering Moment on the MoodShift Journey


My Entanglement with Metaphysics—Another Pivotal Moment on the MoodShift Journey