Is Serendipity Real? Insights on the MoodShift Journey
As I journey deeper into the science of quantum physics, my imagination of quantum possibilities begin to run free through the circuits of my mind.
The idea that at the quantum level our physicality simply dissipates into pure energy is a mind blowing concept. This duality that we exist as both physical matter and non-physical energy at the same time helps me to accept that miracles in life are real even if my limited human brain cannot explain the “how.”
I find the more I accept this duality and ask for my desires to be fulfilled, the more serendipitous experiences show up. The more I smile at the world, the more the world smiles back at me!
When I first encountered the word “serendipity,” the connotation that erupted for me was the feeling of “ happy accident.” Oxford dictionary defines it as, “ the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.”
The reason I love the word “serendipity” so much is because it makes me smile and sometimes even laugh out loud, but not for the reasons you might think. The laughter is linked to the belief that serendipity is not connected to “chance.”
I enjoy a good surprise as much as anyone. However, I believe that we have a powerful influence over “chance” as experiments in quantum physics suggest.
When we develop the discipline and skill to gently guide the potential wave energy in our imaginations at-will—to collapse into particle behavior—we will have evolved into a new species. I believe we are on the cusp of this.
Just the thought of these ideas provide a powerful source of joy and happiness for me. It makes me giggle with pleasure in knowing we are so much more powerful than we have been taught.
When ideas go beyond “believing” and into the realm of “knowing,” they become overwhelmingly powerful. Knowing that a source of powerful energy is gifted to every human on this beautiful landscape we call Earth brings joy and peace of mind to me.
The more I examine life from different angles, the more beautiful life becomes.
The next time you experience serendipity, ask yourself this:
Is this serendipity as defined by the Oxford Dictionary?
Is this a self-fulfilling prophecy being driven by your desires?